Yoga Class Lesson Plan And Theme

Today has been a very soothing, calming and restful day.

We all deserve them. Yoga is definitely part of my soothing day. My day started by teaching a lovely yoga class. My class theme was closely connected to the Full Moon, as it is a full moon today. The sky this morning was amazing, as i drove to class i smiled at the beauty!

When it comes to lesson plans I get my ideas mostly from things that i am passionate about and things that i can explain and express enough to hopefully pass it on and inspire my students. We used the idea of the water and how the moon effects water in today's class. I explored visioning the water in our bodies by imagining the breath moving waves from the crown of the head to the tips of the toes. I used this visualisation to help students release any tension, anything that they were holding visioning it being smoothed over and released by the inhale and exhale moving the wave up and down the body. We slowly then began our physical yoga practise by moving gently into 'child pose'. The waves of the breath moving over the hips, allowing them to sink and release, the back to widen. We then moved gently and slowly into 'Down Dog' which we explored with the breath and opening up the back of the legs. Following this we slowly transitioning to the front of the mat where we began taking some 'Sun Salutaions', I added a sun burst into this to allow the heart to open as i wanted to allow space in the heart center and us to slowly connect to our inner wisdom. 

Eventually we moved our way down to the floor to explore cobra. I gave demonstartions and modified the posture, and then we working our way up to a full cobra if it was suitable for them. The options for modifications i always do try to give, as a yoga class is there practice and i am just their to guide and show them. Gently we started to move through other postures and coming to reverse plank, i gave the option of table top. During this pose one of my students placed there hands going towards towards the wall instead of the way i demonstrated towards the feet. I would call this pose Setu Asana. Sometimes during teaching you are placed in a situation where they have been directed by other teachers so i did not want to go into any detail but allowed her to do how she felt was the way. She was in no danger and I guess its very similar but not working on the areas i wished it to in the arms or chest. May be i will go over the two postures some other time so people don't have to get confused and they can see where each one progresses to and be familiar with different names. I get this with Eka Pada Pranamasana (Tree pose) also where people fold the foot in the groin area taking Vatayanasana (flying horse pose). It makes a whole load of sense why these postures could get confused.

Our peak pose was Ustrasana Three 'Camel', a huge heart opener! We began with one hand on the heel other arm extended and then the other side, I gave different options to go more modified (feet flat, toes tucked etc) or taking it into the full variation of camel. 
Benefits: The Camel Stretches the front body including the hip flexors (psoas) and quadricepts, by stretching these areas it helps to relive back conditions, especially sciatica. The organs of the abdomen and neck are stimulated as well as the back muscles being strengthened.

Slowly we then began to counter pose and settle the body down to come into a meditation, I did a mindful breath meditation followed by a relaxation. I love to come to the end of practise and feel that stillness within the room. Its pure bliss! I also allow my students to give me ideas for next class anything they would like to work on. One student mentioned a moving meditation and this is what i will work on producing for the next practise we have together.

After sharing this wonderful yoga practise with wonderful yogis i came home to explore my own yoga ....and the video below is where it took me. The pure joys of Yoga, its so wonderful!


"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection." Buddha

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