Where is Yoga Going in society?

Is yoga being portrayed in the correct way?

Well i guess all styles of yoga have there own wonderful benefits. Vinyasa Yoga has become so popular in the last decade due to many new world known yoga teachers practicing and sharing this type of yoga, teachers such as Shiva Rea http://shivarea.com/ and Seane Corn http://www.seanecorn.com/ come into mind straight away. Both of these teachers were wonderful and inspiring teachers and i have to say beautiful! They are definitely people who set examples of fitness for yoga and also they possibly may allow people to believe that doing yoga can give you a wonderful body like they have in there wonderful clothes as well as inspire you to grow your locks and look more beautiful (which your skin does glow, and your body does shape up, all is true about yoga). 

So for many years yoga was taught by males and now we are in the new age where women can make it their market.
But yoga is not meant to be a market? Yoga is not meant to be about making riches out of it, but yet so many are taking the business minded way towards it. I understand that people have to live and make an income from what they do and teaching yoga is one of them but yoga has now expanded to a clothes line, DVD, book, products and Yoga Training and more. 

Yoga is possible for anybody who really wants it. Yoga is universal.... But don't approach yoga with a business mind looking for worldly gain.
Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

 I notice on YouTube some yoga teachers teach yoga half naked. Are females selling yoga with a sexual angle? My own personal opinion yes some possibly are. When i say yes i don't mean them all, of course others are doing it to share yoga and its wonderful benefits. The one thing that stood out to me and made me want to blog about this was a video i watched on you tube (Link below)

In the eyes of the new generation Females are becoming Objects, things of possession a commodity. So women that are doing videos half naked are becoming to be seen as a body part such as curves, boobs and long hair as Sadhguru states. So much is resting on Physicality and so much is being advertised through this. I believe it is not a women's fault as men are seen to do this also, use there physicality to sell products and yoga and there status.

My point is if we all share and encourage yoga the transformation will take place on a real level, then all these bad things that are happening in the world may become less (Yes it will never fully go away :-( as people will still be out their).
So is yoga half naked a way of encouraging a real yoga practise? Does it make yoga appeal to others-yes it may help those wanting the physical body to start on the journey of yoga to gain a perfect body they wish for so that's a benefit as we have someone else giving it a try? But does coming at yoga from a sexual angle (Naked) encourage yoga to your community and world? I think it looks rather non-yogic in my own opinion...Play Boy Yoga eat your heart out is all i can say... lol 

I guess this could be an open debate, but if you practise yoga from the The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, books and gurus possibly the angle we see it coming from so often is not a true yogic way. As they do not recommend practising yoga naked but more like celibacy.

I wish for us all to be safe, well and happy clothed or unclothed!

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