Bonjour to all my fellow yogi's

I hope this post finds you well.

My blog has been somewhat slow lately i feel. I must apologise for this. Lately i have had a trillion and one things going on, but that should not be an no i will not use it....It has been my discipline that has waned, and does from time to time.

Lately i have been reflecting on my blog (the last day or so) and i wish to bring something a little more personal to it than just facts, so from here on in i intend to reflect on my own yoga and my experiences with you through this wonderful world known as the big wide web.

This week i brought in a new theme to my classes, the chakras. Why do i use themes? I get fully inspired and excited when i can share themes, ways to help us live with more contentment, sharing knowledge that i myself can refresh up on. After doing nearly 4 years of training sometimes those facts, ideas, books and the knowledge can gets sometimes stored in a memory file in your brain and forgotten about. I love themes because they allow me to search back to the hidden knowledge and encourage me to search and study for more knowledge.

Over the next few months, yes months (its a huge topic), we will be exploring the chakras, the beautiful energy wheels within our body that receive energy and share energy.

This weeks class has been exploring the location of the 7 Chakras and their names, as well as going through postures that balance and waken them up. In my own practise when exploring this i have noticed a profound stillness when coming to work on my Third eye, Brow Chakra Ajna.

So what postures have we been doing in order to do an all over chakra workout?


Starting with grounding postures:
Tadasana. Closing our eyes and finding the four corners of our feet.
Forward Fold: Uttanasana, again finding our feet and our breath.

Virabhadrasana II 

Svadisthana Chakra

Moving on to the second chakra we began to focus on postures that will work into the hips in order for us to bring awareness to Svadisthana Chakra.

Baddha Konasana, pigeon pose (modified or pigeon prep)


The third chakra located in the Solar Plexus area began with us coming onto our sit bones and working into poses such as boat and twists.

Anahata Chakra

With Anahata Chakra we worked into heart opening poses.

Beginning with baby/modified cobra and taking it into a deeper cobra or seal. The breath being of key importance in order to expand our heart open. Many other poses could be done for this but for my lesson these poses served us well.

Vishudda Chakra

Vishudda Chakra is located in the throat and the postures that we focused on here were Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Salamba Sarvangasana. 


Ajna Chakra & Sahasrara

Moving onto our brow chakra & final chakra was very interesting and allowed me to explore meditation in order to create some imagination with yogis. In one of the meditations the students where given a flower and i guided them into a still, beautiful, calming meditation. This was followed by a relaxation. 

My aim with my classes were ultimately to give everyone a really good idea of the locations of the chakras and to see if they could make a connection through any energies. So in the following weeks i will be exploring each chakra and hopefully giving my student the guidance to go deeper within themselves. By doing this i am hoping that they can become more aware and in touch with themselves and what is happening within their bodies, as well as learning new and interesting things along the way. :-)

For more detail (blog and videos) on individual Chakras over the next few months along with postures you can try at home please pop back soon or subscribe.

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