As promised a more detailed post on Sciatica and how yoga can help it.

What is Sciatica and do you have it or not? 
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, running from the back of the pelvic, through the buttocks, down the leg all the way to the foot. When this nerve is irritated pain can radiate from the lower back and down through the leg to calf, it may be felt in the hip or outer leg also. 

Causes of Sciatica

It is caused by compression of the spinal nerve root in the lower back L4-S1 which can come from a slipped (herniated) disc, which may not be recognised or obvious. Other causes of Sciatica are spinal Sternosis (narrowing of the nerve passage in the spine), injury, infection or a growth in the spine. 

You may already be aware of one of the above causes, you may not. May be a trip to the doctor will help you to pin point the cause. 

Yogis with tight hips, weak or lower back tightness may aggravate or create sciatica in straight legged yoga postures. Why? When the pelvis can not rotate forwards C (please see picture below) by the psoas, iliacus muscles, rectus muscles and quadratus lumborum then it will result in the rotation of the pelvic forward being limited and the rotation will go backwards (FIGURE B) instead (FIGURE C).

 When moving forward in yoga postures if the above is happening the movement will not come from the hips but instead the lower spine rounds and bends forward while the pelvic is tugging back. This is why you will very often hear your yoga instructor saying 'come from the hips not the back'. 

When doing yoga with Sciatica it is important that we strengthen the muscles around the sciatic nerve and bring circulation to the area. Forward folds may be done but make sure you place a bend in your knees to reinforce the tilt in the pelvic. 

Postures that are good when trying to relieve sciatica are Salabhasana (strengthening lower back and circulation) as well as Trikonasana, Garudasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Parsvakonasana and Ardha Chandrasana. 

So fellow yogis when in your yoga class reflect on the images above and allow yourself to take safe procedures in postures, learn and know your body. Bend those knees! Don't push your body when its giving you signals and making you aware of a weakness, listen, heal, take time and strengthen your body, THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL NEVER STRAIGHT YOUR LEGS AGAIN!!!! Its just means for now your body needs something else. Find loving comfort and satisfaction with bend knees and notice the different areas you can feel and bathe in contentment.


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