Benefits Of Being Creative

Excepting who we are with all the craziness.
Today i have been contemplating the positives of being a creative mind / soul. Yes their may be negatives but what is the point in reflecting on them as i am what i am, aren't we all who we are faults and no faults. 

"What is a creative person?"  i hear you say,  "And am i one of them?"

Well lets define what a creative person is by using a dictionary.

"Noun1.creative person - a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination"

Many many career types come up for a creative person.
1. Artist (Dancer, Actor, Film maker, Crafts)
2. Painter
3. Designer (Clothes, graphic the list goes on)
4. Creator
5. Stylist
6. Yoga teacher
7. Teacher
8. Entrepreneur
9. Writer
10. Chef

OK i could be here all day long writing all the careers, there are so many.

My own experience as a creative person is sometimes i can be very introverted and other times extroverted.
I find myself with so many ideas that i struggle to channel them at times, i want to do so many things that i cant get them all done at once haha. I am messy, which you could look at as a negative but hey i can back this up with the following quote and link MESSY IS NOT A BAD THING ITS GREAT.

"An anti-anticlutter movement is afoot, one that says yes to mess and urges you to embrace your disorder. Studies are piling up that show that messy desks are the vivid signatures of people with creative, limber minds (who reap higher salaries than those with neat “office landscapes”)"

If you want to feel even better about being messy read the rest of the article :-)

I have wanted to do lots of careers, and i am still in the process of limiting and channeling this impulsiveness when it arises. I have to admit the list of careers i started and never finished because another idea took hold of me is a long one, but i have to also state that these have had a very positive outcome. I wouldn't be doing what i am now if it wasn't for all my past ideas! So the present i was living in that moment has shaped my future to what it is now. And having all my ideas meant i never found time to be board.

It makes me smile when i look back and was at school and we were told to explain what something meant and if i got chosen i would go out of the box and my imagination would go beyond what the actual point was that i need to explain. But now i understand and now i accept myself and the way i think, the way i do things. Its so important to love yourself, to trust yourself and to lean about yourself. I have to say that yoga has helped me to do all of the above things and still is. I actually used to beat myself up for being the way i was, i always wanted to be the clever brainy one. But now i realise i was brainy and clever in my own way. 
We are all perfect the way we are, creative, not creative, i believe that every single person is very special and tapping into the best of YOU is all you have to do and yoga is always a great way to start that journey if you haven't all ready.

Here is what my creative mind has been working on today my valentines cards :-)
Hope you have a lovely creative day...Namaste

My Facebook Link for more card creations, Click "Like" to stay in touch

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