Vasisthasana - Side Plank Pose week

Vasisthasana - Side Plank Pose week

 This weeks pose is the wonderful side plank. So you might be thinking ohhhhh god nooo, i really dislike this pose or may be your thinking yes!!! I really want to work my core. Either way i want to say that when we don't like a pose and don't want to do it we more than likely really do need to do it. May be you struggle with this because your core is very weak and more often than not we like to shy away from things that are a struggle. Hey we all do it, even me :-) But remember it doesn't have to be unpleasant that's why i give modifications so you can choose one that suits you and your body right now. Forget the person next to you! They don't walk out with your body after practise, you do! And if you do what the person next to you does and they do the full pose arms wrapped around there legs than you will feel the consequences not them the next day.

So why is it important to work into side plank? Well many reasons but the most obvious to begin with are it strengths and stretches the wrists, legs, arms and belly. It helps with sense of balance and requires concentration so helps us to focus. This pose is one of the best poses for working the entire core and is known to target the weak muscles called the quadratus lumborum as seen below.

Evidence has been proven that weak core is more likely to lead to lower back problems so lets get side planking!!! :-)

Detailed tutorial video coming soon on different modifications and alignment.

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