Today i was inspired by a new student who came in to my class. This blog as well as my lessons for the whole of next week will be explaining the Solar Plexus and connections to it as well as how to heal and release by using yoga and the breath.

So what is the solar Plexus? Well in simple science terms it is 

"solar plexus, dense cluster of nerve cells and supporting tissue, located behind the stomach in the region of the celiac artery just below the diaphragm. It is also known as the celiac plexus. Rich in ganglia and interconnected neurons, the solar plexus is the largest autonomic nerve centre in the abdominal cavity (see nervous system). Through branches it controls many vital functions such as adrenal secretion and intestinal contraction."
In Yogic language it is the Manipura Chakra (Third Chakra), it is associated with the colour yellow and the Fire element.

The Solar Plexus chakra spans over a wide field of emotions, including blockages and traumas, hence the fire element. Fire can be associated with a huge range of emotional states, from warming us from the inside out with burning log fires, cooking our food, burning flames to meditate with, along with the warmth of the sun and the saying 'having a burning desire in my heart'. At the other end of the spectrum we have fear, fright, blazing fires that can destruct forests and homes. Burning our skin and having a temperature, fever and illness.  

The Solar Plexus is connected to our will-power, self-confidence, personality and self-development. So when this area is unbalanced negative influences are created in our life. We may feel low self - esteem, small things may upset us in our environment at work or home. We may feel anger, find it difficult to express ourselves, struggle to set goals, have insomnia, anxiety, You may also find yourself doing things you know you will later regret in life. If an in-balance is present digestive problems may present themselves, liver problems as well as food allergies. 

So as you can see it is vital that we have this area balanced. I have experienced an in-balance in my solar plexus and it is not nice. My in-balance came from emotional issues and its vital that we all learn how to shift these past traumas, events or blockages. In my realisation to unblocking this area i was told i needed to get my digestion burning, HENCE WHY I TAKE LEMON AND WATER! This gets your digestion going. It allows you to digest not only your food better but also your life! 

So this is step one. WATER AND LEMON.

Step two:  Yoga postures such as; Abdominal core work (video attached), Warrior I, Warrior II, Bow pose.

Step Three:  Breathing (Bhastrika Pranayama)

Ok so here we have the first three steps to getting balanced! The first is easy you just have to go to your local farmers market and buy lemons. The second requires you to click on the video below to get started with yoga to balance this area (I am going to continue adding videos so we can work together in getting the Solar Plexus Chakra balanced.) Or do your own yoga at home. 

Step Three will follow after step two and i will blog a follow up to this one as well as a conclusion of everything done!

Namaste Yogis....Hope you enjoy and see you tomorrow xxx

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