The way we live our life today is very different to the way it was lived many of 100's of years ago, actually a 100 years ago. Today we are surrounded by man made foods, man made technical equipment, creams and potions, prescription pills that so called make us better, pollution, violence through video games and the news, satellites, cell phones the list goes on and on and on so i better stop now.

So why are so many people ill, well the debate is the above things having a negative effect on the body, but i guess we could also say that all the things taking place now happened back then but we were not aware of it. Very true i do believe some things that happen now were very much happening in the society of the old. But my concern is that everything that has been created that we didn't have years ago must be having an impact on the health of today society, Don't you agree?

A 100 years ago all food that was consumed by human beings came from nature. It came from and was grow by the natural nature of earth itself. Humans and machines in factories did not make it. The sun and the rain helped the crops the fruit and the vegetables to grow. We have certain food in certain seasons to help us through the change in weather. Fresh strawberries and light salads in the summer to keep us light and cool, the warm heartily vegetables in the winter to keep us warm. If we live in warm countries again the changing weather and the food that grows indicates what is best for the body to consume. This is natures way is it not? 

So why is it every superstore we walk into, every shop the shelves are covered with food that is already prepared for us. Meals that we can microwave, grab and go food, tinned food, frozen Sunday roasts, cereal, sauces and much more that can lasts for weeks on end. 

I remember a family member doing and experiment and getting a bag of tomatoes from a low end supermarket and putting them in the fridge. The tomatoes still looked fit to eat six months down the line! Cant you believe that, what must have been in them to keep them so fresh looking! May be they were not even real tomatoes just looked like.

"Remember that there are over 15,000 chemicals that are routinely put into the food in the processing cycle that do not have to be listed on the label. Even if you read the ingredient list on the package, there is an excellent chance that the food itself has been produced with chemicals and chemicals have been added. So virtually all food that you buy at the supermarket that comes in a package is loaded with dangerous chemicals." p142 Natural Cures

Now this is scary, i have another personal example of this. Although i am healthy sometimes my family like to indulge and they requested Salt & Pepper Chips from the Chinese Chippy with some other items. So me being me i asked for all the items with no MSG (They would not tell you they add this to your food, this is added in quiet a lot of places so you should ask.) The gentleman was very open and told me that the Salt & Pepper Chips had the Mono sodium Glutamate (weakens the immune and is a causes depression and anxiety) and quiet a lot. I was quiet shocked and said could he do it with out. His reply again very honest, he could BUT the chips would not be nice and not taste anything like the normal Salt & Pepper chips. So straight away they were having normal chips! My point being if i had not have asked this would have been added without me knowing and my little boy would have eaten it with MSG in it. 

Link below on MSG and dangers

Its also added to cereal and crisps!!!! Please read your label's

So how do we avoid things like this and store purchased items filled with chemicals, and this includes regular vegetables as they are also filled with chemicals to keep them fresher for longer. 

Lets go organic!

Ok so we some times don't have enough time in our busy lives to go to farm shops where we know were the products have come from, but in supermarkets especially here in the UK a wide range of Organic products can be purchased. One of my favourite second to the farm shop of course is Sainsburys. 
I've even attached my last receipt so you can see the prices of Organic items. 

Yes Organic may mean more fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables, smoothies, soups, salads and juice drinks but what better way to fill up your body than with goodness that has been created from nature and is there to serve us and keep us healthy. Our bodies are not made to process man made foods and chemicals. Be sure to check that the items are 100% organic! Also smell and feel the items so your senses can be excited by them. 

You will feel an overwhelming feeling of joy just after a few days of eating healthy foods. How could you not the food is full of PRANA, vital energy! If you want energy and you want to feel good eat it and be blessed that we are given the opportunity to eat such wonders of the world. 

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