Organic toothpaste verse Fluoride toothpaste

I had to express my thoughts and concerns about Fluoride.

 Fluoride in your tooth paste and tap water is dangerous.
"Tap water is absolutely the worst kind of water in the world because virtually all tap water is contaminated. All tap water has chlorine in it, and most tap water has fluoride in it. Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals in the world." p 93, Natural Cures, Kevin Trudeau.

"Fluoride is an element from the halogen group, as are iodide and chloride. It is commonly added to the water supply as hydrofluosilicic acid, silicofluoride or sodium fluoride. Fluoride is also found as an additive in toothpastes and some mouthwashes, as a tooth decay preventive ingredient."

Can you believe they put this in our tooth paste, mouthwash and we can even drink it through tap water.
 The last time i went to the dentist they put it on my little boys teeth! They have you believe it fights decay that's why they want to put it on your children's teeth! Well they are always experimenting i guess the next generation of children are just that for them.

This statement is cause for concern "Dr. Phyllis Mullenix believes, based on her research, that fluoride acts in a way that lowers the I.Q. of children ("Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats", Mullenix, P. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 17 (2), 1995)."

But even worse is Dr. William Marcus believes that Fluoride could be the increase in bone cancer in rats that have been tested. He continued to show more concerns because the amount the rats were being tested on was actually lower than the amount human beings are consuming as i type this information.

Shocked with this? Well it goes on...
"Fluoride is toxic and dangerous, and should not be consumed. Fluoride adversely affects virtually every organ in the body, primarily your thyroid gland..[...] makes you depressed and causes all types of physical problems." p 93, Natural Cures, Kevin Trudeau

I mean how many people do you know that has thyroid problems? Do you have one yourself? What a coincidence that the Thyroid is right near the mouth where we clean our teeth twice a day with toothpaste that has Fluoride in it.

I could go on for ever with this concern but for now my toothpaste is AloeDent FLUORIDE FREE toothpaste which can be bought here at Holland & Barrett

 They do children's also!

Organic all the way is all i can say!

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